The wonder of nasturtiums

I love the look of happy nasturtium plants – bright-coloured flowers with round leaves that look terrific tumbling over borders.  It took a long time to figure why they wouldn’t grow in our garden and then I stumbled on it after a few google searches – there’s too much nitrogen in our soil.  When gardening articles advise that they thrive in poor soil what they mean is that nasturtiums don’t like nitrogen.

A different approach was needed in hopes of helping nasturtiums thrive in our garden.  We planted them in the worst soil in our garden and they’re going great.

edible nasturtiums

edible nasturtiums

Nasturtiums also rock because they are edible.  We tried them at a local farmer’s market – $3 for a dozen so that’s basically 25 cents each.  And they taste great, reminiscent of mustard greens.  Now that I’ve figured it out, I’ll grow more of them.

whirly bird nasturtiums

whirly bird nasturtiums

more whirly birds

more whirly birds

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